Predictive Test Scores And Diploma Privilege

August 5, 2020

The Volokh Conspiracy (By Michael Abramowicz) — Professor Abramowicz (George Washington Law) discusses how diploma privilege can be granted based on a predictive grading approach for law graduates.

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Unsafe At Any Campus: Don’t Let Colleges Become The Next Cruise Ships, Nursing Homes, And Food Processing Plants

August 5, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — The author shares an article published in Indiana Law Journal by professors Peter H. Huang (University of Colorado Law) and Debra S. Austin (University of Denver Law) detailing the health risk of reopening campuses and the benefits of online classes this fall.

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The Diploma Privilege and Future Shortlists

August 5, 2020

The Faculty Lounge (By Renee Knake) — Professor Knake (University of Houston Law) discusses the long-term consequences of delayed entry for into the profession due to delayed or cancelled bar exams without providing diploma privilege for law graduates.  

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Do Professors Have an “Obligation” to Teach In Person When Classes Begin?

August 5, 2020

The Faculty Lounge (By Steve Lubet) — Professor Lubet (Northwestern Law) critiques a recent opinion article published in The Wall Street Journal that argues faculty have an obligation to teach in person for the upcoming semester.

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Survey: Law schools expect steady enrollment this fall despite the pandemic

August 5, 2020

REUTERS — A summer survey of U.S. law schools found them largely optimistic about the size of their incoming classes, despite the coronavirus pandemic threatening on-campus learning into 2021 and upending the job market for recent graduates.

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A look at law school clinics adapting to the pandemic

August 5, 2020

THE PRACTICE — As the start of the fall 2020 semester draws near, law schools are beginning to define their plans for holding classes during the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. As of this writing, three broad models of law school reopenings have emerged as law schools have presented their plans to the public: largely in-person instruction,

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Harvard Law hosts discussion on online courts and racial justice in the legal system

August 5, 2020

THE PRACTICE — Richard Susskind and Jonathan Zittrain recently sat down for a conversation on online courts, lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, and how we might move forward. The conversation was moderated by David B. Wilkins, faculty director of the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession.

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How the pandemic will change the legal profession

August 5, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — In late February, the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School held a Law 2030 conference focused on the myriad challenges the legal profession was likely to face in the next decade and how it could adapt to combat them.

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How universities are communicating to students about the pandemic

August 5, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Colleges are employing multipronged strategies to inform students about the pandemic. Will their efforts get students to take safety precautions seriously?

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College students consider pros and cons of sitting out the fall semester due to the pandemic

August 5, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Students considering sitting out the fall semester because of the pandemic risk losing guaranteed on-campus housing when they return to colleges with strict leave-of-absence policies.

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