Several colleges face budget shortfalls and plan furloughs

September 10, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Without reliable revenue from student housing, dining and athletic programs, colleges are facing steep budget shortfalls and implementing additional furloughs.

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A look at student privacy and public health concerns around positive COVID-19 cases

September 10, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — When it comes to their students testing positive for COVID-19, professors say they have a right to know and share the information how they deem appropriate. Colleges want to keep those cases close to the vest.

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Colleges struggle to enforce pandemic related health and safety rules

September 10, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Civil liberties advocates are concerned students are being unfairly suspended or placed on probation for violations of college health and safety rules related to the pandemic. But student affairs administrators say their actions are within their power to protect their campuses.

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Faculty and students concerned and frustrated with how universities are handling health and safety measures

September 10, 2020

THE HECHINGER REPORT — With coronavirus cases out of control on some college campuses, one thing has become abundantly clear: There is no such thing as a safe, risk-free return to campus.

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Report: College reopening plans tied to state political partisanship

September 10, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Colleges and universities looked at several factors when determining whether to reopen their campuses to students for the fall, including local COVID-19 case numbers, campuses’ ability to physically distance students and what students said they wanted in surveys.

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Report: Cheating on tests a concern with shift to online classes

September 10, 2020

THE HECHINGER REPORT — When universities went online in response to Covid-19, so did the tests their students took. But one of the people who logged on to take an exam in a pre-med chemistry class at a well-known mid-Atlantic university turned out not to be a student at all.

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Average Multistate Bar Exam scores improve over 2019

September 10, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — Despite many concerns about taking a bar exam during the novel coronavirus pandemic, the crisis might have actually led to people doing better on the test.

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Harvard Law LLM students create virtual events

September 10, 2020

HARVARD LAW TODAY — When the coronavirus pandemic handed him lemons, Stefan Martinić LL.M. ’21 made lemonade—literally. Then he invited his Harvard Law School LL.M. classmates around the globe to join him for an online lemonade party, and sparked the class to create a variety of virtual social events that have bonded them closely, before

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ABA looks to reverse years of revenue shortfalls and budget cuts

September 10, 2020

LAW360 — The American Bar Association’s fiscal year ended Monday, and while the organization’s final results are not yet available, a report on the first three quarters of the year points to some harsh realities for the organization as it faces the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Fordham Law hosts fall orientation events

September 9, 2020

FORDHAM LAW NEWS — After closing its physical campus on March 9 due to the coronavirus outbreak, Fordham Law School reopened the building for the first time this week, welcoming new students for its first-ever hybrid orientation.

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