Testing centers closures prevent thousands of students from taking SAT

October 1, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Hundreds of thousands of students who registered to take the exam in September or October will be unable to take it.

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Colleges struggled to balance political and public health pressures with re-openings

October 1, 2020

CNN — Going into the new school year, colleges and universities knew the risks. After all, in March, most had pivoted to virtual learning — either temporarily or permanently — in hopes of curbing the spread of the virus.

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University-run K-12 online programs report increased enrollment amid pandemic

October 1, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Dissatisfied with the way local schools are responding to the pandemic, families increasingly turn to online K-12 options to educate their children — including schools run by universities.

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Making the Most in the Midst of the Many Bar Exam Postponements

October 1, 2020

Law School Academic Support Blog (By Scott Johns) — Professor Johns (Denver Law) advises law graduates to examine and analyze current events in the news and apply this analysis to bar exam questions.

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Health Profs Issue Report on Legal Responses to COVID

October 1, 2020

The Faculty Lounge (By Dan Filler) — Professor Filler (Drexel Law) shares a report from health law scholars on the legal response to the pandemic.

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Building Communication and Structure Into Our Courses — Preparing for Fall Teaching in Physically Distanced, Hybrid, or Remote Courses

October 1, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Jessica Erickson) — Professor Erickson (University of Richmond Law) continues her series on preparing to teach online this fall with a post on developing a plan to support struggling students.

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Emma Sokoloff-Rubin: Strategies for Remote Clinical Supervision

October 1, 2020

Clinical Law Prof Blog (By Jeff Baker) — Professor Emma Sokoloff-Rubin (Yale Law) details the San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Project’s successful remote clinical supervision model and provides advice on how other law school clinics can adopt it.

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Resumption of Live Teaching

October 1, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Gerard Magliocca) — Professor Magliocca (Indiana University McKinney Law) shares his experience teaching in-person on the first day of the fall semester.

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Let’s Listen to the Quiet Ones: How Quiet Students Thrive in Remote Learning

October 1, 2020

Teach Law Better (By Heidi K. Brown) — Professor Brown (Brooklyn Law) provides thoughts on how remote learning offers opportunities to improve student participation among more introverted students.

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NCBE President To Bar Exam Test-Takers: ‘I Understand Your Anxiety And Anger’

September 30, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — The author shares an article from Law.com that shares NCBE president Judith Gundersen’s thoughts on the current state of the bar exam amid the pandemic.

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