Tech Vendor Backs California Law School Deans: Online Bar Exam Proctoring Is A Chimera

October 6, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — The author shares a statement by Greg Sarab, CEO of test technology vendor Extegrity, describing the technical issues with attempting to proctor online bar exams.

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Are any law schools launching mid-1L transfer opportunities?

October 6, 2020

Excess of Democracy (By Derek T. Muller) — Professor Muller (University of Iowa Law) explores the possibility of first-year students seeking mid-year law school transfer options due to the pandemic.

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California Law School Deans Request Supreme Court To Make Oct. 5-6 Online Bar Exam Open Book With No Proctoring

October 5, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a letter from California law school deans requesting the state supreme court allow the October online bar exam to be open book without proctoring.

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Law School Exams During A Pandemic: One Law School’s Experience

October 5, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — The author shares an article by professor Beth Parker (Nova Southeastern Law) that shares the law school’s spring semester exam experience.

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What About the Bar Exam After the 2020 Dust Settles?

October 5, 2020

Verdict (By Vikram David Amar) — Dean Amar (University of Illinois Law) reflects on the debates surrounding diploma privilege and the bar exam during the pandemic.

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Making more effective use of samples in an online legal writing course in the time of Covid

October 5, 2020

Legal Skills Prof Blog (By James B. Levy) — Professor Levy (Nova Southeastern Law) provides examples and advice on using writing samples in online legal writing courses.

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Helping 1L law students find study groups during a time of online teaching

October 5, 2020

Legal Skills Blog (By James B. Levy) — Professor Levy (Nova Southeastern Law) gives advice to law faculty on how to help law students to form study groups and connections during the pandemic.

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New article explores legal bases for exemptions from in-person teaching during the Coronavirus pandemic

October 5, 2020

Best Practice for Legal Education (By Gary Simson) — Professor Simson (Mercer Law) explores colleges’ legal obligations to allow faculty to teach classes online instead of in-person during the pandemic.

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Data–Rough Data–on Bar Exams and COVID Cases Among Test-Takers

October 5, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Paul Horwitz) — Professor Horwitz (University of Alabama Law) reacts to professor Derek T. Muller’s (University of Iowa Law) analysis on the contraction of COVID-19 from in-person administrations of the July Bar Exam in some states.

Read More about Data–Rough Data–on Bar Exams and COVID Cases Among Test-Takers

The NYT on how Zoom interferes with student-teacher rapport and strategies for overcoming that

October 5, 2020

Legal Skills Prof Blog (By James B. Levy) — Professor Levy (Nova Southeastern Law) shares an article from The New York Times that discusses the challenges of remote teaching by video conferencing.

Read More about The NYT on how Zoom interferes with student-teacher rapport and strategies for overcoming that