Several private New York colleges announce shift to online classes amid COVID-19 outbreaks

November 18, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The number of coronavirus cases is rising in just about every U.S. state, but colleges in some states are responding more aggressively than are their peers elsewhere. New York was the prime example as this week progressed. Several private colleges in the state announced that they would shift to entirely virtual instruction.

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Professors and students express concern over planned in-person classes for spring semester

November 18, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — With coronavirus case counts rising in many parts of the country and no vaccine yet widely available, academe is still far from normal. Yet a number of campuses are pushing for more normalcy, in the form of more face-to-face courses for spring.

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Private colleges announce tuition cuts and freezes amid pandemic

November 18, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Amid the pandemic, dozens of colleges have announced tuition resets, freezes or expanded scholarship programs for the upcoming academic year. The trend follows similar announcements over the spring and summer, made as colleges face increased pressure to lower prices to keep and attract students.

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Report: Community colleges experience significant drop in enrollment amid pandemic

November 18, 2020

THE HECHINGER REPORT —  When the coronavirus hit in the spring of 2020, student surveys indicated that four-year colleges would be hit the hardest this fall. Those surveys didn’t get it exactly right. The actual drop in the number of undergraduate college students is large but community colleges are experiencing the biggest student exodus.

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College students report modest improvements in online classes during spring semester

November 18, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Undergraduates who are studying online this fall rate their learning experience as modestly better than what they encountered last spring — with greater levels of satisfaction among students who see their instructors taking steps to understand and engage them, according to a new survey of 3,400 undergraduates.

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Students raise privacy concerns over online exam software using facial recognition

November 18, 2020

REUTERS — As COVID-19 restrictions force students to take remote exams, universities around the world are relying on proctoring software like Examplify. But many students are wary of the technology, including mass data collection and bias in facial recognition.

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University of Oregon Law clinic supports nonprofit organizations during the pandemic

November 17, 2020

UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOL OF LAW — Applications are now open for the UO School of Law’s Nonprofit Clinic, which offers a free governance assessment to Oregon-based 501(c)(3) organizations in need of structural assistance. This year, the clinic will provide its services remotely in spring 2021.

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Suffolk Law launches online legal service tools to navigate court system

November 17, 2020

NBC BOSTON — With access to Massachusetts’ court system restricted amid the coronavirus pandemic, students and leaders at Suffolk University Law School have been working for months to create a tool to help people navigate the court system.

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A Game Changer for Zoom Classes: Live Transcription by

November 17, 2020

The Volokh Conspiracy (By Josh Blackman) — Professor Blackman (South Texas College of Houston) shares technology that can aid faculty and students by providing real-time closed-captioning and transcription for classes taught over Zoom.

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Some observations about law student performance in a legal skills course taught via Zoom

November 17, 2020

Legal Skills Prof Blog (By James B. Levy) — Professor Levy (Nova Southeastern Law) reflects on evaluating law student performance in his online legal skills course.

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