Fordham Law to return to in-person classes this fall

June 29, 2021

FORDHAM LAW NEWS — For the Law School, these policies mean that we are moving ahead with our plan to hold almost all courses and programming in person. A few courses will be offered online, and some programming will be held virtually, especially on Fridays, but this coming semester will otherwise be back to normal.

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Harvard Law project provides legal support to people with disabilities during the pandemic

June 28, 2021

HARVARD LAW TODAY — For people with disabilities the COVID-19 pandemic has had particularly pernicious repercussions, from increased exposure to the virus to overtly discriminatory governmental policies, such as Alabama’s rescinded policy to deny people with intellectual disabilities access to ventilators in the event of a shortage.

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University of Houston Consumer Law Clinic receives grant to provide legal aid to tenants facing eviction

June 28, 2021

UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON LAW CENTER — The purpose of the grant is to provide legal information and representation for Harris County residents facing housing instability due to COVID-19. The funding will be used to assist with evictions in Justice of the Peace and county courts and rental assistance applications for tenants.

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Northern Kentucky University Law professor Jennifer Kinsley launches online course on remote legal representation

June 28, 2021

NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY — The pandemic disruption of courts and law practices turned into more than a teachable moment at Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law; Professor Jennifer Kinsley made it a teachable semester.

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Some states move to block universities from requiring students to be vaccinated

June 28, 2021

POLITICO — Conservative state lawmakers are moving to block public and private universities from requiring returning students to have proof of Covid vaccinations or get the vaccine itself, in a push that could complicate President Joe Biden’s effort to get shots to young adults.

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Indiana University students challenge school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

June 28, 2021

INDY STAR — In a federal lawsuit filed Monday, eight students allege that the requirement that students, staff and faculty be vaccinated against the virus before returning to campus in the fall violates the Fourteenth Amendment, which includes rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity.

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National Center for Education Statistics publishes report on the financial impact of the pandemic on colleges

June 28, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — About 40 percent of undergraduates experienced a financial disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and 8.2 percent either withdrew or took a leave of absence from their institution, according to a new report from the National Center for Education Statistics.

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National Conference of Bar Examiners reverts to in-person only bar exams in 2022

June 15, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — Law grads taking bar exams developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners next year should expect to take the test in person. The NCBE announced Tuesday that its test materials will be made available to jurisdictions only in an in-person form beginning in February 2022.

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University of Chicago Law honors class of 2021’s commitment to public service

June 15, 2021

UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL — This year’s graduating class worked a record 14,133 pro bono hours throughout their time at the Law School, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to public service even while contending with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Class of 2021 celebrated this achievement.

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Columbia Law clinic students share experiences during the pandemic

June 15, 2021

COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL — The COVID-19 pandemic severely limited students’ in-person interactions with clients as well as with each other since March 2020. But the students have nevertheless been engrossed in substantive projects.

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