FIU Law Professor Scott Norberg discusses Journal of Legal Education article on law graduate employment and ABA standards

February 25, 2019

LAW.COM — The American Bar Association has long maintained accreditation rules governing law school admission and bar passage rates, but none of those regulations directly addresses law graduate employment.

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California Bar seeks to improve inclusion for LGBT lawyers

February 19, 2019

LAW.COM — California’s state bar has added some probing new questions to a survey of its licensees in an attempt to fulfill its mission of supporting “greater access to, and inclusion in, the legal system.”

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules DACA recipients eligible for bar admission

February 19, 2019

LAW.COM — There are more than 200 hundred questions on the Pennsylvania Bar Exam, but for the past few years there was one question even the Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners wasn’t sure how to answer.

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A look at test security for the bar exam and LSAT

February 19, 2019

ABA JOURNAL — Attorney licensing exams are not immune from cheating, says James Wollack, an educational psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison whose research includes test security.

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ABA House of Delegates rejects changes to the bar passage standard for law schools

February 4, 2019

ABA JOURNAL — For the second time, the ABA House of Delegates voted against a proposal to tighten a bar passage rate standard for accredited law schools. At the ABA Midyear Meeting in Las Vegas on Monday, the final vote was 88 in favor of the resolution, and 334 opposed.

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DC Bar exam back on schedule after government shutdown ends

February 4, 2019

LAW.COM — The District of Columbia’s February bar exam is on track to take place as scheduled next month, after the prolonged partial government shutdown threw the test into uncertainty. The District of Columbia court system’s Committee of Admissions announced late Friday that the exam will take place Feb. 26 and 27.

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Legal education community weighs-in on ABA proposal to tighten bar exam pass rate standard for law schools

January 29, 2019

ABA JOURNAL — In the days before the ABA House of Delegates revisits a proposed standard revision to tighten bar passage requirements for accredited law schools, some say an in-depth diversity study should precede any changes made.

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Details from USA Today report on law school bar passage data

January 29, 2019

USA TODAY — A yearlong USA TODAY Network investigation finds a quarter of graduates from 18 U.S. law schools don’t pass the bar exam within two years. It’s a situation that has created hardship for graduates whose careers have been delayed while they struggle to pay back student loans.

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A look at law school enrollment, bar passage, and graduate employment data when considering law school

January 29, 2019

USA TODAY — Law school is an enormous investment of time and money. Annual tuition averages $27,000 at public law schools, and more than $40,000 at private schools, according to data compiled by Law School Transparency.

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USA Today investigates law school bar exam two-year pass rates

January 29, 2019

USA TODAY — Law schools where too many graduates fail the bar exam may face tougher sanctions. With tens of thousands of dollars in student debt, some law school grads are unable to pass the bar to become lawyers. Are their law schools to blame?

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