National Conference of Bar Examiners task force releases recommendations to improve the bar exam

January 22, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — Bar exams of the future should be delivered online as an integrated test with scenarios to answer questions from, rather than in, sections with different formats, according to preliminary recommendations released Monday by the National Conference of Bar Examiners’ testing task force.

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Majority of test-takers flagged for cheating during California October bar exam have been cleared

January 22, 2021

BLOOMBERG LAW — The list of test takers suspected of cheating on California’s first-ever online bar exam has been narrowed to a fraction of the more than 3,000 initially flagged by video technology that monitored them during the test. The additional notifications mean nearly 90% of the 3,190 applicants have now been cleared.

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Changes may be on the horizon for the bar exam

January 22, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — While there’s significant disagreement on how the bar exam should change, many believe it will, and there’s a wide range of ideas about what should happen. So far, suggestions for change include breaking the test into smaller segments and administering part of it in law school.

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University of Maine Law celebrates graduates’ bar exam success

January 21, 2021

UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SCHOOL OF LAW — The University of Maine School of Law is celebrating the success of the graduates of the Class of 2020 for their unprecedented pass rate on the Uniform Bar Exam this fall. A record-setting 91% of that class passed the Maine Bar Exam on their first attempt.

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A look at the Georgia October online bar exam results

December 25, 2020

GEORGIA BAR ADMISSIONS — The following is a list of names of applicants who passed the October 2020 Georgia Bar Examination. To be eligible for admission to the practice of law in Georgia, an applicant must have passed the Bar Examination and received an acceptable score of 75 or higher on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination.

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Maine bar exam pass rate improves over previous year

December 25, 2020

BANGOR DAILY NEWS — Eighty-six percent of the September test takers passed the exam, the highest passage rate since July 2016 and nearly 30 percentage points higher than the average passage rate of 56.6 percent between February 2015 and July 2019. The 2020 class of the University of Maine School of Law did even better.

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Michigan Supreme Court announces February bar exam to be administered online

December 25, 2020

GRAND RAPIDS BUSINESS JOURNAL — The Michigan Supreme Court announced the Board of Law Examiners will administer an online examination from Feb. 23-24. However, the opportunity for in-person testing will be available for students who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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New York October bar exam pass rate improves over 2019

December 25, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — New York’s bar exam, administered online in October, had an overall pass rate of 84%. According to a news release from the New York Board of Law Examiners, 5,150 people took the test. Comparatively, 7,916 people sat for the state’s July 2019 exam, and the overall pass rate was 76%.

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Boston College Law celebrates success on the October 2020 Massachusetts bar exam

December 25, 2020

BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL MAGAZINE — Pride is running high at Boston College Law School as the most recent graduates delivered exceptional results on the October 2020 Massachusetts bar exam. BC Law ranked second in Massachusetts for overall passage rate (95.9 percent) and third in the state for first-time test takers.

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Louisiana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Washington, D.C., announce plans for online February bar exam

December 16, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — Louisiana scheduled a remote open-book bar in February, according to a Nov. 25 state supreme court order. The other four jurisdictions—Washington, D.C.; Utah; Oregon; and Washington—have announced remote Uniform Bar Exams, which are offered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners.

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