Advice on choosing a healthcare law program

December 8, 2022

FORBES ADVISOR — Healthcare law is a multifaceted field that extends well beyond medical malpractice and insurance disputes. Legal counsel is necessary at all levels of healthcare, from government entities to healthcare institutions and private practices. Healthcare lawyers can find work in a multitude of environments, and the scope of their work can change drastically.

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College undergraduate majors to consider before applying to law schools

December 8, 2022

FORBES ADVISOR — For many people, carving out a path that leads to a successful law career starts with choosing an undergraduate degree. There are many options available, and the type of law you plan to practice may come into play as you choose your undergraduate pre-law major. Certain majors have higher law school admission

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What law students should know before entering law school 

December 8, 2022

LEGAL READER — Law school is very demanding on your time. In my 1L year, I had to take five classes per semester, each of which averaged more than a hundred pages of assigned reading per week. I also took a legal writing course, which required me to complete research and writing assignments. It was easy

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Advice on taking the LSAT

November 21, 2022

FORBES ADVISOR — The Law School Admission Test (LSAT)®, the most common standardized test for law school, tests logical thinking, argumentation and exceptional reading ability. If you plan to take the LSAT, knowing the ins and outs of the test is the first step to getting the score you want. An above-average LSAT score can

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BYU Law dean of admissions Anthony Grover offers advice to law school applicants

November 21, 2022

THE DAILY UNIVERSE — BYU Law School Dean of Admissions Anthony Grover advised pre-law students to present themselves well on their law school applications. According to the Law School Admission Council, students who wish to be considered for admission must prepare applications, take the LSAT, submit letters of recommendation and more.

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University of Virginia Law shares advice on preparing for law school exams

November 10, 2022

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF LAW — Though exams don’t begin until Dec. 10 this year, students at the University of Virginia School of Law have a habit of preparing weeks in advance. Here are the best tips and content about how to approach exams we’ve produced over the years.

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Advice for law school applicants applying to multiple schools

November 3, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Law school applicants may get flashbacks to the college application process as they assemble a school target list balanced with reaches, midrange schools, and “safety” schools. In short, it is unwise to apply to a law school that you would not wish to attend. Put one or two safety schools on your list,

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Advice on keeping law school applications succinct

October 28, 2022

U.S NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Many important factors in law school admissions are hard to control, like the grades on your transcripts and the number of other applicants in the same cycle. So it’s understandable that applicants want to make the most out of the parts of their application they can control, like their

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Advice for prospective law students filling out application materials

October 17, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Many law school applicants find it surprisingly difficult to write application essays. Even applicants who have taken many college classes that involve writing essays may find themselves stumped by the challenge of summarizing their desire to attend law school in two double-spaced pages.

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How to find and apply for law school funding and scholarships

August 15, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Although it’s typical for law students to acquire a six-figure debt burden during law school, it’s possible to earn a J.D. without paying a cent of tuition. That’s what happens when you win a full scholarship. Given the current economic tumult, aspiring attorneys may be especially eager to save

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