Advice on negotiating law school scholarships
LEGAL READER — Law school can be a significant financial investment, but there are ways to alleviate the burden through scholarships. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies to negotiate law school scholarships that can potentially save you thousands of dollars.
Read More about Advice on negotiating law school scholarshipsAdvice on completing the multiple choice section of the LSAT
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — On the LSAT, as in the practice of law itself, right answers are rarely unambiguous. Particularly on the logical reasoning and reading comprehension sections, there may be plausible arguments for more than one answer choice. That’s why test-takers are advised to choose the “best” answer.
Read More about Advice on completing the multiple choice section of the LSATAdvice on applying to law schools as a transfer
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — If you follow this column’s advice on the law school application process and set a broad and realistic target list, hopefully you will find the first year of law school to be a rewarding challenge. With luck, you will be excited to return to find your niche on campus the following two…
Read More about Advice on applying to law schools as a transferAdvice on selecting law school classes
JDJ JOURNAL — Choosing the right law school classes is a crucial aspect of your legal education. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the available options, here are eight tips to help you choose your law school classes wisely.
Read More about Advice on selecting law school classesHow to prepare for different sections of the LSAT
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Practice tests are the bread and butter of LSAT prep. Timed and untimed practice using both individual sections and whole tests strengthen LSAT performance. However, practice alone will not suffice when your LSAT score is stuck. Ultimately, the LSAT is a skill-based test, so cultivating essential skills is critical to test…
Read More about How to prepare for different sections of the LSATAdvice on minimizing law school debt
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — If you have dreamed of becoming a lawyer since childhood, it’s understandable you might be willing to invest a lot of money in a J.D. degree to pursue that goal. But if you must incur debt in pursing a legal education, it’s prudent to keep your student loan balance…
Read More about Advice on minimizing law school debtHow advanced degrees and certificates could help law school applicants
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Despite unfounded assumptions about a “typical law student” whose life has never strayed from a legal path, plenty of incoming law school students already have other advanced degrees. Master’s degrees are most common, either in academic subjects like the humanities or social sciences or professional programs like an MBA or master’s in public policy.…
Read More about How advanced degrees and certificates could help law school applicantsHow social media presence could affect law school applicants
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — It’s an open secret that admissions officers across higher education may review an applicant’s web presence, from online publications to social media accounts. A 2018 survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep found that 56% said that they’ve looked at applicants’ social media pages when evaluating them, and…
Read More about How social media presence could affect law school applicantsHow law school applicants can prepare for the LSAT over the summer
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Spending the sunny summer months studying for a strenuous standardized test may be no one’s vision for a fun summer, but it’s the right move for many law school applicants. Since the law school admissions process is rolling, applicants should submit their applications by early November for their best odds. The ideal time to…
Read More about How law school applicants can prepare for the LSAT over the summerAdvice for students on negotiating with law schools for scholarships and financial aid
NATIONAL JURIST — Your application cycle is wrapping up. You have heard back from all of the schools you applied to. You are happy with the results. You’ve been accepted by many.But there’s still one little problem-the schools you really like have not offered you the scholarships you were hoping for. How do you politely…
Read More about Advice for students on negotiating with law schools for scholarships and financial aid