Podcast: Job search tips for law students

July 15, 2019

JDSUPRA — In this episode, Law School Toolbox talks with ex-BigLaw recruiter, Sadie Jones, about some of the most common issues and questions they see in the law student job search.

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A look at the juris doctor (JD) degree in the US

July 1, 2019

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — “A J.D. is the foundational law degree that an American attorney obtains before taking the bar exam and being sworn in as an attorney,”

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LSAC to limit number of LSAT retakes

July 1, 2019

LAW.COM — The maker of the Law School Admission Test this month announced that it’s reinstating limits on the number of times people may take the entrance exam, just two years after doing away with its previous limits.

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Podcast: Incoming 16-year-old SMU Dedman Law student shares tips for applying to law school

July 1, 2019

ABA JOURNAL — Rather than relying on one prep course for the Law School Admission Test, Haley Taylor Schlitz, a 16-year-old recent college graduate, took three within a five-month period.

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A look at the digital LSAT

June 19, 2019

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT — While virtually every academic standardized test like the GRE, MCAT and GMAT has gone digital, the LSAT has stayed behind the times, opting for the traditional pen and paper method. But starting this July, the LSAT will begin its transition to digital administration.

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Seton Hall Law professor David White reflects on mentorship

June 17, 2019

LAW.COM — David White is director of the Seton Hall University School of Law Conflict Management Program and professor of legal practice at the school.

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What aspiring law students should know about different fields of law

June 4, 2019

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Anyone who is unsure about whether to attend law school should understand that there are numerous types of lawyers and a variety of ways to practice law.

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How law schools use admission waitlists

June 3, 2019

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT — MAY IS A STRESSFUL month for the typical law school applicant. After all the time spent waiting – for grades, letters of recommendation, LSAT results and decisions by law schools – many applicants will find themselves spending some more time in limbo, having been placed on the waitlist by at least one school.

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University of Arkansas Law welcomes undergraduate students for summer pre-law program

May 29, 2019

UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS — The University of Arkansas School of Law admitted 23 students from 11 undergraduate institutions for its annual Summer Pre-law Program, known as SPPARK.

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How law schools and prospective students find the best match

May 6, 2019

INDIANA LAWYER — Courtship season is in full bloom, but forget loving and cherishing — these “marriages” are about test scores, rankings and scholarships.Law schools are proposing their final offers of admission and waiting to see who accepts, while applicants are trying to decide where to enroll.

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