How prospective law students can take steps to reduce student loan debt

February 1, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — If you have dreamed of becoming a lawyer since childhood, it’s understandable that you might be willing to invest a lot of money in a J.D. degree to pursue that goal. But if you must incur debt in pursuing a legal education, it’s prudent to keep your student loan

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Advice for prospective law students on selecting a school

February 1, 2022

LAWYER MONTHLY — The prospect of going to law school is not only one that requires a lot of hard work and money but also some thorough research. As with any other profession, while some grads can easily embark on to their successful careers, others might find themselves struggling to find a job. As such, you

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Questions to consider before applying to law school

December 9, 2021

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Law schools challenge students inside and outside the classroom. Before enrolling in a J.D. program, aspiring lawyers should be aware of what the law school environment will be like, how much it costs to get a law degree and what distinguishes one school from the next. It’s also important to

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What law school applicants should know about joint JD-MBA programs

December 9, 2021

WTOP NEWS — The popularity of J.D.–MBA programs has grown accordingly. These joint programs allow students to finish both business and law degrees concurrently within the same university system, typically shaving a year off the five years it generally takes to earn both degrees separately. Some schools, like Northwestern University and the University of Notre Dame,

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Podcast: Author Jonathan Wolf discusses how students can go to law school without incurring debt

December 8, 2021

ANCHOR BY SPOTIFY — Legal education is experiencing explosive applications; a call for innovation & adaptation; demand for increased diversification of the profession; & cries for social justice impact & protection of the Rule of Law. Host Patty Roberts, Dean of St. Mary’s University School of Law, will explore the opinions of legal education leaders regarding

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Harvard Law collaborates on program introducing underrepresented high school students to careers in law

December 7, 2021

HARVARD LAW TODAY — Eja Richardson is a first-year student at Howard University from Orlando, Florida. Michaell Santos is a high school senior in the Bronx, New York. While they come from different backgrounds and areas of the country, both have an interest in law, but say that the lack of resources and opportunities in their

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Advice for prospective law students on amending law school applications

November 23, 2021

U.S NEWS & WORLD REPORT — All law schools accept addenda, even when they are not an official part of the application. A well-written addendum supports your case for admission by providing missing context to answer questions that your application might raise. A poorly written addendum, however, can do more harm than good.

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What prospective students should consider before applying to law school

November 23, 2021

U.S NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Law schools challenge students inside and outside the classroom. Before enrolling in a J.D. program, aspiring lawyers should be aware of what the law school environment will be like, how much it costs to get a law degree and what distinguishes one school from the next. It’s also important to

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Advice for veterans applying to law school

November 18, 2021

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT —  The U.S. celebrates Veterans Day each November, and it’s a good time to reflect on how law schools serve those who serve the country. Law schools greatly value applicants who are veterans. Many of the skills honed by military service contribute to success in both law school and legal

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Advice on how to study in law school

November 18, 2021

KEYSTONE LAW STUDIES — So you’ve got your admissions letter to law school; congratulations! You might find yourself wondering: ‘what’s next?’ There are lots of practical considerations such as cost, accommodation, and relocation to think about. However, one vital thing is to get into the headspace of a law student. Law is a very specialized discipline

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