Advice for applicants visiting law schools

April 25, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Now that law schools are recovering from the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are once again opening their campuses back up to visitors. It’s a good time for applicants to think about when and why they should visit prospective law schools – and what they should look out

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Common mistakes made on law school applications

April 25, 2022

THE NATIONl JURIST — “Applying to law school is just like college, right?” asked Daniel, a junior, who is applying to law school next year. “Kind of—but there are actually some big differences you should know about,” I told him. “Watch out for the differences, which could potentially mean the difference between being admitted or not, or

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How to overcome anxiety applying to law school

April 14, 2022

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Good lawyers make their decisions based on evidence. The strong emotions you feel about applying to law school are powerful evidence that going to law school means a lot to you. However, they are not evidence about the strength of your candidacy or your chances of admission. There are

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Advice for law school applicants on handling law school seat deposits

March 31, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Because law school admission is a rolling process, applicants will not receive all their decisions at once. Waiting can be hard, but no news isn’t necessarily bad news. Some schools may take many months to make a final decision. So, don’t panic if you haven’t heard back by March.

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Advice for prospective students on choosing a law school

March 24, 2022

NATIONAL JURIST — “I finally got into law school!” Mary, a senior, sat in my office, enthusiastically waving copies of her acceptance letters. “Actually, I got into a lot of schools. I’m really happy. But now, I don’t know where to go,” she added. “So I’m also stressed out.” For many law school applicants, this is their

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Advice: There’s no such thing as a “typical” law student

March 24, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Lawyers tend to err on the side of caution, and the legal profession is notoriously resistant to change. Perhaps that’s one reason why many people have a strong mental image of a “typical lawyer” – a pale older man with a briefcase and a suit who looks like he

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Advice for taking the LSAT for students where English is a second language

March 17, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Law school applicants should know that the LSAT tests logic skills more than English skills. Welcome to the latest installment of Law Admissions Q&A, a feature that provides law school admissions advice to readers who send in inquiries. If you have a question about law school admissions, email us for a

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Tips for law school applicants with STEM experience

February 23, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Applicants with backgrounds in STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – have a leg up in law school admissions. Law is increasingly enmeshed with science and technology, and not just in the burgeoning areas of health law, tech law, patent law and environmental law. From forensic evidence

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Tips for law school applicants on improving LSAT scores

February 17, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Raising your LSAT score significantly takes time and effort. A multimonth study plan can ensure you master the basics and hone your skills through sustained practice. To keep your skills from plateauing or even backsliding, your approach to practice must be focused and methodical. A lifetime of practice won’t

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Online resources for law school applicants

February 17, 2022

NATIONAL JURIST — There is so much misinformation out there about law school admissions. It is sometimes shocking what my students tell me they have read on the internet or have heard from well-intentioned friends or other lawyers. I have conversations that reflect that every week. “My friend told me that law schools don’t like it when you

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