ABA Gives Law Schools Go-Ahead to Use GRE

December 22, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The American Bar Association announced Tuesday that it will permit law schools to require the Graduate Record Examination instead of the Law School Admission Test for admissions decisions. The Council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar made the decision, which does not require approval from any other

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Harvard University drops standardized test mandate for undergraduate programs

December 20, 2021

BLOOMBERG — Harvard College is dropping its requirement for SAT or ACT scores for future applicants as young as those currently in 8th grade. “Students who do not submit standardized test scores will not be disadvantaged in their application process,” William Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions and financial aid at the Ivy League school, said Thursday in an

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More law schools could accept GRE for admissions after ABA decision

December 16, 2021

REUTERS — After five years of debate, the American Bar Association will allow law schools to use the Graduate Record Examinations — better known as the GRE — in admissions, with no strings attached. The decision to put the GRE on equal footing with the Law School Admission Test, reached in a closed ABA session earlier this

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Law schools see increase in admission test scores from fall 2021 incoming class

November 4, 2021

REUTERS —   Law schools are reporting eye-popping increases in median Law School Admission Test scores for their first-year classes, illustrating how competitive last year’s admission cycle was. Law schools’ median LSAT scores rarely change by more than a point from year to year. But so far this year at least six law schools have reported

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More California colleges remove admissions test requirement

October 18, 2021

LOS ANGELES TIMES — Nearly 130 colleges and universities in California do not require students applying for the fall 2022 semester to release their ACT or SAT scores, according to updated data from the National Center for Fair & Open Testing. The center, also known as FairTest, is a nonprofit organization that lobbies for colleges to treat

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New report recommends additional evaluation of the GRE’s ability to predict law student success

October 14, 2021

REUTERS — The arm of the American Bar Association that accredits law schools shouldn’t put the Graduate Record Examination on equal footing with the Law School Admission Test without more data on how it predicts first-year grades, according to a new report by researchers the ABA tasked with evaluating the GRE’s promise. The ABA’s Section of Legal

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LSAC podcast explores recent changes in law school admissions and the LSAT

October 14, 2021

LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL — Welcome to LSAC’s Keeping Up to Data podcast, where each month we will share perspectives and trends related to law school admission and cover other topics of interest. I’m Susan Krinsky, a former admission dean and former LSAC board chair — and now chief operating officer and chief of staff at

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Tips to prepare for LSAT test day

October 14, 2021

U.S NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Since testing resumed in summer 2020 after a brief hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the LSAT has been remotely proctored. The Law School Admission Council, or LSAC, plans to continue remotely proctored tests in the four-section format adopted in August 2021 for the foreseeable future. This means that

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Tips for LSAT-takers on preparing for the test

September 29, 2021

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Thousands of aspiring lawyers will be gearing up in a few weeks to take the October LSAT, the last date recommended to apply early in the law school admissions cycle. Preparing for the LSAT, or Law School Admission Test, starts months in advance. Ideally, law school applicants fall into

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Things to know before applying to law school

September 14, 2021

ILLINOIS NEWS LIVE — According to the American Bar Association (ABA), a student that wants to learn and practice law should have critical thinking, good communication skills, should be a persuasive debater, and also be a good analytical and problem-solving person. According to Mike Weston, an essay writer at custom writing service, he student should also

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