ABA study: Lawyers with disabilities and LGBTQ lawyers report discrimination and harassment at workplace

July 22, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — Nearly 40% of lawyers who identify as having disabilities and/or as LGBTQ+ report experiencing discrimination, harassment and bias in the workplace, according to a new national study by the ABA and Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University.

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California schedules remote bar exam in October and lowers bar pass score permanently

July 22, 2020

THE SACRAMENTO BEE — California is refusing to cancel its bar exam despite complications created by the COVID-19 pandemic — but is offering would-be lawyers the option of taking an online test or accepting a “provisional” license that’s good for up to two years.

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New York cancels September bar exam amid health concerns

July 22, 2020

BLOOMBERG LAW — The New York Board of Law Examiners has canceled the state’s September bar exam as a result of ongoing concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic.

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States and jurisdictions announce bar exam plans

July 20, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST — Nineteen states are plowing ahead and holding it in the traditional in-person fashion on the July dates, but with safety measures such as social distancing and mask wearing. But that leaves 32 states and the District of Columbia which had made some kind of change. Seventeen states are holding the exam in

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Some states keep in-person July bar exam despite COVID-19 risks

July 20, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — As various states cancel in-person July bar exams because of COVID-19 concerns, others appear undecided or even committed to keeping things as is—even in places experiencing significant infection increases.

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A look at Washington Supreme Court’s decision to end limited license legal technicians program

July 20, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — But in a stark 180-degree turn, the limited license program rapidly lost the support of the bar’s board and the court as the makeup of both bodies changed. Since 2017, the court has rejected requests to allow LLLTs to practice in areas beyond family law, while the state bar refused to allow its

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ABA allows Syracuse Law to expand online JD program

July 14, 2020

SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW — The American Bar Association has granted Syracuse University College of Law permission to expand its innovative online law degree program. JDinteractive (JDi) is a fully interactive program that combines live online class sessions with self-paced class sessions, residential courses, and applied learning experiences.

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North Carolina Bar leaders and law professors call for removal of confederate statues in state

July 10, 2020

WECT 6 NEWS – Wilmington attorney Gary Shipman joined 60 other legal professionals Wednesday to rally elected officials for the removal of Confederate monuments across North Carolina.

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Bar exam administration plans by state

July 10, 2020

LEGAL TECH NEWS – Different States Are Taking Different Approaches to Bar Exams Amid COVID-19

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California law makers urge state to lower bar pass score over racial disparities

July 10, 2020

THE RECORDER – Four state lawmakers have called on the California Supreme Court to immediately drop the score required to pass the bar exam, saying the test has a “racially discriminatory impact” on would-be lawyers.

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