Pepperdine Law highlights participation at the AALS Annual Meeting

January 14, 2019

SURF REPORT — To kick off a new year in legal education, thousands of law faculty, deans, and administrators gathered in the Big Easy for the 2019 AALS Annual Meeting. Dean Paul Caron and members of Pepperdine Law faculty were among those who attended this year’s event in New Orleans.

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University of Toledo Law dean D. Benjamin Barros elected to AALS executive committee

January 14, 2019

UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO — The University of Toledo College of Law congratulates Dean D. Benjamin Barros, who was elected to serve on the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Executive Committee by the organization’s House of Representatives at the AALS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La.

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Ahead of the Curve: Dispatches from the AALS Annual Meeting

January 14, 2019

LAW.COM — At the largest annual gathering of legal academics in the nation, the atmosphere was sunnier than it has been in years, women took center stage, and the academy honored a rock star law professor.

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Columbia Law expands public interest programs

December 3, 2018

NATIONAL JURIST — Columbia Law School is investing $4.5 million over the next three years to improve its public interest programming and accessibility.

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A look at the Beyond the Bachelor’s study from AALS, LSAC and Gallup

October 29, 2018

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — Undergraduates aren’t sure about postgraduate study. These factors encourage them to apply.

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Before the JD: Law students in North Carolina see legal career as a way to give back

October 29, 2018

LEGALNEWS — For today’s generation of aspiring law students, a career in the law is less about making a buck, and more about making an impact, a new study suggests.

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AALS/LSAC study: Parental education is a major factor in considering an advanced degree

October 29, 2018

DIVERSE ISSUES IN HIGHER EDUCATION — Parental education is a major factor in undergraduate student’s decision to pursue an advanced degree, and it may be an impediment to Black, Hispanic and first-generation populations, according to a study by Gallup, the Association of American Law Schools and Law School Admission Council.

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A look at Before the JD and the national increase in law school applications

September 24, 2018

BLOOMBERG LAW — When students began flocking back to law school after enrollment dropped precipitously starting in 2010, no one could explain why it regained its allure. So the Association of American Law Schools asked nearly 25,000 undergraduates and first-year law students about their reasons.

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College students have public-spirited motivations for considering law school

September 24, 2018

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Undergraduates considering a law degree are motivated by a desire to contribute to the public good, but high costs and work-life balance concerns deter some of them, according to a study from AALS and Gallup.

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AALS/Gallup survey: Half of law students considered law school before reaching college

September 24, 2018

INDIANA LAWYER — A landmark study of undergraduate students considering law school finds public service factors are key motivators, far ahead of the ability to qualify for a high-paying job or the prestige of the profession.

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