UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF LAW — Whether people accept laws and legal authority as legitimate depends on having fair processes in the justice system and policing, Yale Law School professor Tom R. Tyler says on the latest “Common Law,” a podcast of the University of Virginia School of Law. Tyler, the Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology, is a founding director of The Justice Collaboratory at Yale, a social science research center aimed at working toward a “theory-driven, evidence-informed justice system.” An expert in procedural justice, Tyler is the author of the books “Why People Cooperate,” “Legitimacy and Criminal Justice” and “Why People Obey the Law,” among others. On the episode, he discusses some of his recent work, including a study showing that procedural justice training reduced police use of force against officers in Chicago. In the episode, hosted by Dean Risa Goluboff and Gregory Mitchell, the scholars examine how the theory of procedural justice has expanded since the seminal book “Procedural Justice: A Psychological Analysis” by John Thibaut and UVA Law professor emeritus W. Laurens Walker was published in 1975. They also explore community policing, how processes within the police department affect officers’ behavior, the importance of de-escalation strategies and broadening the pool of candidates for police roles.