REUTERS — The pandemic-driven surge in law school enrollment is real. The number of first-year law students nationwide increased nearly 12% this fall, according to data released Wednesday by the American Bar Association. It said there are 42,718 new Juris Doctor students at the 196 law schools accredited by the ABA, up 4,516 from 2020. That jump follows months of speculation that COVID-19’s disruption of the entry level hiring market for college graduates, coupled with current events including the murder of George Floyd, the presidential election, and the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, inspired more people to pursue legal careers. It could also signal a tougher employment market when the students graduate, if demand for junior lawyers wanes. An increase in first-year law students was not unexpected. According to the Law School Admission Council, the number of people applying for a spot this fall was up 13%—the biggest year-over-year jump since 2002.