Submit a Program Proposal for 2020 AALS
Want to be a speaker at the AALS Annual Meeting? The Arc of Career and Program Committees have requested program proposals for Arc of Career professional development sessions and a variety of session types categorized under “open source” programs. These proposals are your opportunity to participate in the Annual Meeting without sponsorship from an AALS Section.
The theme for the 2020 Annual Meeting, selected by AALS President Vicki Jackson, is “Pillars of Democracy: Law, Representation, and Knowledge.” Program organizers are encouraged to consider the theme in framing their proposals, but it is not a requirement for submission or selection.

Please note that programs must be proposed by full-time faculty members or administrators at AALS Member or Fee-Paid law schools. International faculty, visiting faculty (who do not retain a permanent affiliation at another law school), graduate students, and non-law school faculty are not eligible to submit proposals but may serve as presenters. Visit AALS Annual Meeting to learn more about specific guidelines for each type of program, as well as examples of successful past proposals. All proposals should be submitted using the website’s online form.
Program organizers should take the AALS core value of diversity (including diversity of gender, race, and years of experience) into account when developing their proposal and speakers list. Organizers are encouraged to include both senior and junior faculty and participants who provide viewpoint diversity appropriate to the program, as well as representation from different law schools.
Program Proposals