Update Your Directory of Law Teachers Bio Now 
Data collection for the printed AALS 2018-2019 Directory of Law Teachers is currently taking place. Update your biography at https://dlt.aals.org by September 17 to ensure your listing will appear exactly as you prefer.
The directory is printed only once a year, but tenured, tenure-track, long-term contract, and emeritus faculty are welcome to update their biographies at any time. Changes will appear in real time when users use the online search function.
In addition to searching by name and school, the search function can sort faculty members by subjects taught. Users may also sub-search criteria including currently teaching, years teaching, and seminar offering, among others. It also allows users to crosssearch for multiple faculty and multiple subject areas at the same time. Participants in the directory may adjust their privacy settings so their listing reflects the amount of information they would like to be available online. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.