SETON HALL UNIVERSITY — At Seton Hall Law, students are encouraged to combine their passions with their professional goals, and nowhere is that more evident than in the new Gaming, Hospitality, Entertainment, and Sports Law Program (“GHamES”). Seismic shifts in these industries – including the growing legalization of sports betting across the country, the changing status of collegiate athletics, the development of blockchain and NFT technologies, and the impact of COVID-19 on travel and recreation – have given rise to complex new legal issues and a pressing need for attorneys capable of understanding multi-jurisdictional regulatory frameworks, navigating relationships between adversarial stakeholders, protecting intellectual property and privacy rights, adjusting to unpredictability and volatility, and advising clients on the importance of compliance and business ethics. The GHamES program is designed to train students to meet these challenges and to continue to build the Law School’s reputation as a leader in legal education.