THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH — The University of Utah recognized the most recent awardees of the Linda K. Amos Award and Elizabeth Fuhriman Gardner Prize in a joint celebration during Women’s Week. The Linda K. Amos Award for Distinguished Service to Women recognizes individuals who have selflessly given time and energy to improve the educational and/or working environment for women at the university. These awardees represent the ideals and actions of Dr. Linda K. Amos, the founding chair of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women and a professor of nursing, Dean of the College of Nursing, and Associate Vice President for Health Sciences. Throughout her career, she was the champion for improving the status and experience of women on campus. The Elizabeth Fuhriman Gardner Prize is facilitated by the Women in Health, Medicine, & Science. The Gardner Prize is awarded to two students, one from the School of Dentistry and another from the Health Sciences (College of Health, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, School of Medicine).