THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON SCHOOL OF LAW — Like many “nontraditional” students at The University of Akron School of Law, recent grad Patrick Warczak, Jr., attended part time while working full time. But Warczak stretched the outer limits of the term. “Nontraditional” refers to students who didn’t come to law school directly out of college. Most of them worked several years or started a family before returning to their education. Warczak was age 51 with a wife, three young children, and a well-established corporate career when he started law school in fall 2018. “I decided to go to law school in part to change my career direction but also just for the experience of law school,” he said. “I’d worked with lawyers in my job. There was one experience that made an impression where I worked with an attorney at Covington in Washington, D.C., who did a lot for us on the regulatory side. She devised a neat legal solution to a problem my company was having with the Food & Drug Administration.” But what really got Warczak started on the path to thinking seriously about law school was the 2008 HBO miniseries about John Adams.