TaxProfBlog (by Paul Caron) — Alaina Arroyo was 20 minutes into the Nebraska State Bar Exam on Tuesday when a health inspector came over to take her temperature, which had not been done before she began the test. After registering readings of 101 degrees three times, she was told, “You’re done, you need to get out right now,” Arroyo told on Wednesday. Arroyo said that, due to a medical accommodation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, she was taking the test in a private room. According to Arroyo, the proctor allowed her to begin the test earlier than everyone else and without a temperature check because the health inspector had not yet arrived.  Victoria Haneman, Arroyo’s former law professor at Creighton University School of Law, from which Arroyo received her J.D. in May, took to Twitter last night to highlight the incident. “My student was in the middle of taking the Nebraska bar exam today, a proctor interrupted her exam to take her temperature, she tested at 101, and she was escorted from the exam. (And no, she does not have Covid.),” Haneman posted. Arroyo, 26, said she returned to her hotel room after being kicked out of the bar exam and took a rapid response COVID test, which was negative, and her temperature read as 98 degrees.