BROOKLYN LAW SCHOOL — The late Mary Johnson Lowe ’54, the first Black student to serve as editor-in-chief of the Brooklyn Law Review and the second Black woman appointed to the federal judiciary, has been honored with a new scholarship in her name. Funded by a pledge of $100,000 from Dean Michael T. Cahill and his wife Rosalyn Scaff, the scholarship will support Brooklyn Law School students from underrepresented groups. Cahill and Scaff’s gift to the Law School recognizes Lowe’s lifelong dedication to equal justice and civil rights—in the courtroom and in the community. “This scholarship honors a woman who made history, at Brooklyn Law School and beyond, and reaffirms a commitment to continuing our own history as a school of opportunity for people from all backgrounds, who can find a home here and thrive,” said Cahill. “Judge Lowe was outstanding at the Law School and in her practice. In addition to serving as editor-in-chief of the Brooklyn Law Review, she was president of her class, and she graduated with honors. It’s remarkable to note that she graduated from law school in the same year that the landmark 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision struck down segregation in the nation’s public schools. That context underscores how extraordinary she and her achievements were—ultimately leading to her momentous appointment as a U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York.”