REUTERS — The law schools at Florida International University, Belmont University, Campbell University and Louisiana State University are far from the top of U.S. News & World Report’s influential law school rankings.But they punch above their weight when it comes to graduates passing the bar exam on their first try, a new study found. They are among 25 law schools whose graduates perform better on the bar exam than their Law School Admission Test scores and undergraduate grade-point averages would predict, according to an analysis by University of Louisville law professor C.J. Ryan and University of Iowa law professor Derek Muller. The pair examined six years of first-time bar passage data to identify overperforming and underperforming schools. Then they surveyed the schools to identify approaches and programs that correlate to bar exam success. “We wanted to figure out, ‘What are the schools that do the best, and what do they do?’” Muller said.