THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SCHOOL OF LAW — Winter weather is common in many states, but not Mississippi. A slight wintry mix or snow can create hazardous road conditions and make it very difficult to travel. First-year law student Emmy Thrower’s mind immediately went to healthcare workers in the area. Thrower’s mother works as a neonatal nurse in Georgia, which made her familiar with the protocol for many hospitals in the South during winter weather. “Whenever there is a chance of snow and a possibility that the nurses for the next day might not make it in, hospitals often have the staff spend the night wherever they can find room to put them,” Thrower, from Monroe, Georgia, said. “This puts a lot of nurses sleeping on benches, and without food for the next day if they didn’t see it coming.” So when snow arrived in North Mississippi on Sunday, Thrower decided to make sure local healthcare workers were at least able to eat that day. She messaged her peers in the 1L group chat to see if she could raise a little bit of money to order food for local healthcare staff. She never expected to raise more than $20 or so to place a pizza order. Within 10 minutes, the 1Ls raised $170. After 20 minutes, that total climbed to $316.