THE FREE PRESS — Bisk, a global leader in online education, has joined forces with Columbia Law School to develop and support a four-week non-credit online certificate course. “A Legal Toolkit for Starting and Scaling Your Business” is designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners eager to learn the basics of commercial law. Millions of people have left the workforce due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and many are now aspiring to start, or have started, their own business. Small business owners, startups and creative individuals trying to monetize their craft are seeking to understand the legal ins and outs of owning a business and protecting their intellectual property. The course will be taught by Columbia Law School Clinical Professor of Law Lynnise E. Pantin, Pritzker Pucker Family Clinical Professor of Transactional Law, who earlier in her career practiced corporate and securities law at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.