Mailing Lists

AALS member and fee-paid law schools can rent AALS membership lists on a one-time use only basis. To rent the list for one-time use only, you must complete order form below and submit a sample of what you will be mailing to the membership list you have rented.

Please send your completed order form via email, (202) 296-8869 (fax) or mail to:

AALS List Orders
1614 20th St NW
Washington, DC 20009-1001

If you have additional questions you can reach us by phone at (202) 296-8851 or by email.

List Instructions (PDF) List Codes (PDF)

List Order Form (PDF) Credit Card Payment Form (PDF)


What is the price of a mailing list?

Our current rate is 16 cents/name and a $110 processing fee for non-profit organizations and 20 cents/name and a $120 processing fee for for-profit organizations. Because of the dynamic nature of the database, it is likely that the numbers might change slightly from day to day. We suggest sending an email for a quote before sending in your order form.

Do you send e-mail addresses?

AALS does not provide e-mail addresses at this time.

Do you provide actual mailing labels?

We will email the list of requested names and addresses in an Excel spreadsheet. We do not mail physical labels.

What are the different categories?

You can choose the “full file” which is a listing of all faculty and staff from our database of member and fee-paid schools. Or we have a number of different categories such as section, subject, and titles from which you can choose. Please note the different codes here. If needed, AALS will try to tailor categories to best fit your needs.

What is the difference between sections (alpha category codes) and subjects (numerical category codes)?

The ‘subjects’ designation means that we will be pulling the contact information for any individual professor in our directory of full-time law professors who has taught the subject specified.

‘Sections’ is more specific as it refers to an AALS-specific group. AALS Sections are interest groups composed of members of faculty and professional staff of AALS member schools. (Others who are interested may join as associate members of the section.) You may read more about them here.

Can I order more than one category?

If you have multiple categories, you may want to consider one de-duplicated combined lists. De-duplicated, combined lists prevent the case of a professor who is in more than one category being listed twice. There is a fair amount of crossover in between categories. The benefit of having one combined, de-duped list is not only that it rids itself of duplicates but that it requires only one processing fee. However, it is important to note that if you plan to target different audiences for different mailings, a combined, de-duplicated list is NOT searchable by category.

If you do want separate lists with each category being its own list, then we have to follow our “one use only” policy. This means that each list has its own label and processing fee. For example, Mailing List 1 would be one order and fee, Mailing List 2 would be a separate order and fee, and so on.

What is the ordering process and how do I pay?

For us to process an order, we require a filled out order form and a copy or draft of the intended mailing. Once we receive those items, upon approval, we will process the order and email the Excel spreadsheet with the requested list and a PDF invoice. The invoice can be paid via fax at (202) 296-8869 or via online portal per request. To comply with Payment Card Industry Association standards, AALS cannot accept credit card payments via email.

How soon will I receive the list?

We have a turnaround time of one week, however, expedited processing can be granted per request. Be aware that AALS experiences a heavy volume of orders in August and December.

Can I reuse the list?

Mailing list rentals are only to be used once per order. They also need to be used within the same academic year as they were ordered. Due to the dynamic nature of our database, this is to prevent outdated information from being circulated.

Other questions? Contact us for further assistance.