DLT Improvements

Improvements to the Directory of Law Teachers

AALS is pleased to announce that the Directory of Law Teachers now features an online search function. This password-protected tool is only available to deans and tenured, tenure-track, long-term contract, and emeritus faculty members.
In addition to searching by name and school, the new search function can sort faculty members by subjects taught. Users may also execute sub-searches, including whether the instructor is currently teaching, for how many years the instructor has been teaching, and their seminar offering. It also allows users to cross-search for multiple faculty and multiple subject areas at the same time.
The new online portal presents advantages over the printed directory. Because it is constantly accessible for updates, it provides a more complete snapshot of an instructor’s profile in “real time.”
Participants in the directory have the opportunity to adjust their privacy settings so their listing reflects the amount of information they would like to be available online.
Institutional access to the online search will be granted by request to law librarians, academic deans, and select professional staff.
Users and participants may access the online search by signing directly into the directory portal. The search function is located in the upper left hand corner. Online biographies for the directory may be updated at any time throughout the year. Please contact [email protected] for questions or additional information.
Information for the printed directory is collated every fall and distributed to schools in the winter of that academic year—AALS sends a reminder in early fall asking faculty members to update their biographies before the directory is printed.