Section Election Communication Samples

Note: Please know that this is a sample. Details may vary by Section. All elections, virtual or in-person, are to be in accordance with the AALS Section Planning Guide and the respective Section’s bylaws.

Example on Seeking Nominations for Section Leadership Positions

Dear Colleagues,

The AALS Section on [Section name] seeks nominations for several/all positions: members of the section’s Executive Committee who serve for a period of one year, and an incoming section Treasurer. Under the section by-laws, at the end of each annual meeting the Chair-elect succeeds to the office of chair, the secretary to Chair-elect and treasurer to Secretary. Individuals nominated for Treasurer should consider whether they are willing to serve the section through this rotation. The 2016 Officers include [list all the names and schools of Chair and other officers].

Officers and members of the Executive Committee are expected to participate actively in Section work through the year, and should plan to attend the AALS Annual Meeting in January 2018 in San Diego. Current members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-nomination. Current members of the executive committee are [names and schools].

You may nominate yourself or another person. Each nomination should include a short statement (no more than 250 words) explaining the nominee’s interest and relevant background. Nominations are due [date]. Please send nominations to:

[Provide email address, online form, Google doc or other online website or application for collecting information.]

The Nominating Committee will review the nominees and present a slate for election [at Annual Meeting/online] by [date nominations are released].

Please consider nominating yourself or others.

<Name, School>
<Title, Section>

Example of Announcement of New Section Leadership after Annual Meeting

Dear Colleagues:

After holding our Section business meeting at the conclusion of the [name of Section program] [Section program date], I am pleased to announce the following individuals will be serving as the Section Board and officers. Thank you to everyone who participates in the success of the Section.

Chair: <name, school>
Chair-Elect: <name, school>
Secretary: <name, school>
Treasurer: <name, school>
Immediate Past Chair: <name, school>
Board Member (term expires January 2017): <name, school>
Board Member (term expires January 2017): <name, school>
Board Member (term expires January 2018): <name, school>
Board Member (term expires January 2018): <name, school>


<Name, School>
<Title, Section>