This spring, AALS launched a new webpage featuring resources for early career law professors. The page contains information about how to get the most out of the AALS and links to commonly used pages.

The webpage explains the benefits of attending the AALS Annual Meeting including speaking, mentorship, and networking opportunities. The page also details how to join AALS Sections and lists specific sections that may be of interest to professors in their first few years of teaching.

There is also a curated list of AALS videos on topics relevant to new law professors including creating an inclusive classroom, establishing presence in the classroom, how to support struggling students, best practices for online classes, teaching responsible use of AI, integrating technology in law school courses, and navigating faculty politics.

Other features include links to:

  • The AALS Scholarly Papers Competition for faculty in their first five years of teaching;
  • The Journal of Legal Education;
  • AALS News, the association’s quarterly newsletter;
  • Recent books by law faculty for use in the classroom;
  • A list of law school conferences and symposia online and around the country;
  • The latest legal education related news articles and blog posts;
  • The Directory of Law Teachers and information how to use it, and;
  • The AALS social media feed featuring news from law schools and organizational updates.